her car and then waited for her to
get her report and drove her back to
school! I have many more stories such
as these, I am sure most readers have
had similar experiences with their own
caring neighbors. Building a sense
of community. I find this unique to
the area, an area that is all new and
everyone is starting fresh.
I see public acts such as these played
out on the numerous Facebook groups
for Tehaleh—kind gestures of meal
trains when a neighbor has had surgery
or a death in the family, sharing yard
tools or information on dentists and
doctors, and even organizing get
togethers for
4th of July
block parties
or ladies nights
I caught up
with Chris
Parrish, a
frequent organizer of such events in the
Berkley Park area to find out more for my
own curiously but also provide inspiration
for other areas in Tehaleh, I learned it
truly is a group effort.
Q: When did you move to Tehaleh?
A: About two and a half years ago
Q: Why did you move to Tehaleh?
A: My twin sister Natalie Stryker
actually. She was leaving the army
and looking for a place to settle after
separating from service and decided on
WA and eventually Tehaleh. I knew we
wanted to be
closer together
after years of
being apart so,
my husband
and I started to
look into moving
out here from