No shade
Having some sort of shade on a patio can do a lot more
good than you think. It can cool down the temperature
both inside your home and on the patio, it can look
lovely, and it can be a haven for wildlife like birds. Plus,
when people feel more comfortable with the tempera-
ture and protection from the sun, they're a lot more
likely to spend time in your outdoor space.
No one wants a concrete desert! Foliage adds charac-
ter and charm, but can also contribute to shade. Also,
homes that have beautiful landscaping have much more
of an estate-quality feel than if the yard is barren.
wonky stairs
If the stairs on your patio
aren't up to code, it could
cause problems during the
home inspection. Make sure
there's a railing and that the
steps are equidistant. If they're
wood, check for dry rot, which
could lead to a mushiness in
the wood that causes it to
break and become a safety