Eastside Maison

Spring 2021

Issue link: https://nest.uberflip.com/i/1352359

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Page 4 of 43

Bold colors can be an accent or they can become a focal point. When done well, they help to enhance a room. But, when not done well, they can clash, create a jarring look, or contribute to an atmosphere that just feels off. Here are some tips for decorating with bold colors to help you achieve your desired look: When in Doubt Stick to Accents If you're unsure or uncomfort- able with bold colors, stick to a more neutral foundation and include bold colors in decor ac- cents instead. Pillows, throw blan- kets, window treatments, furniture, brightly or boldly painted end ta- bles or stools, etc. are good ways to explore and play with bold col- ors as accents without committing heavily to them. If you end up not liking them, you can switch them out to a new color relatively easily. Oftentimes, they can be changed easier than repainting a wall or entire room, so you have a little more freedom to explore, experiment, and play with color in these areas. You can also stick to smaller rooms as you figure out colors. Hallways, powder rooms, and more are all great places to ex- periment with bold colors and combinations.

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