he coronavirus disease 2019 (COV-
ID-19) pandemic may be stressful
for people. Fear and anxiety about
a new disease and what could
happen can be overwhelming and
cause strong emotions in adults and chil-
dren. Public health actions, such as social
distancing, can make people feel isolated
and lonely and can increase stress and anx-
iety. However, these actions are necessary
to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Coping
with stress in a healthy way will make you,
Research shows aromatherapy can
help relieve stress and promote sleep.
the people you care about, and your com-
munity stronger.
While it may seem simple and maybe not
all that effective in such a dire time, it
wouldn't hurt to try out some new coping
devices that may be foreign to you. Medi-
tation, exercise, healthy eating and maybe
even exploring essential oils and the many
benefits they offer.
Scents are powerful—a simple smell can
immediately trigger a powerful memory of
Stress Relief
& Sleep
Essential Oils