Eastside Maison

Barb Pexa Fall 2020

Issue link: https://nest.uberflip.com/i/1284887

Contents of this Issue


Page 9 of 37

Popular succulents persist: Cacti and euphorbias Cacti and members of the cacti-looking euphorbia genus have been going strong and will continue to do so. They are generally super interesting looking, easy to care for, and make a great statement. Colorful foliage will make a splash Plants with interesting patterned and col- orful foliage will continue to attract plant enthusiasts. Look for these lovelies: • Marantas, like red prayer plant and neon prayer plant • Alocasias, like polly and pink dragon • Tradescantias, like the purple-magenta- tinged zebrina • Split leaf philodendrons, like Monstera deliciosa and the finer leaf Adansonii variety • Watermelon and ginny peperomias Potted euphorbia milii with ferns Tradescantia zebrina

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