Eastside Maison

Barb Pexa Fall 2020

Issue link: https://nest.uberflip.com/i/1284887

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Barb P exa I f you're like me you have been at home wondering what to do next—or even just what to do! Like many folks I have taken on projects that I have been neglecting for years as my excuse in the past has been "I don't have time" and clutter has been at the top of my list. I always feel so much more organized, so much lighter in spirit and mind when I don't have to work my way through piles of receipts and papers to find something. In this issue, contributor Lisa VanDoorne from Northwest Home Coach will talk about the negative impacts of clutter. While we're talking about clearing clutter we can also talk about infusing life into our surroundings. As folks hunker down for fall and winter it's the perfect time to bring in some plants to fill the space and clean the air. We'll touch on a few trendy plants that brighten not only your mood, but your decor as well. What would an autumn issue of Maison be without a seasonal recipe? Instead of the traditional (and expected) fall soup or bread let's talk cocktails! Unique takes on cider, mimosa and even White Russians—all inspired by the season. Much has been made of the increase in sales at local garden nurseries during the pandemic. Homeowners wanting to get out and dig in the dirt to expend energy and absorb some good ol' vitamin D. With fall and winter just around the corner you may be looking to make some improvements/changes as well. Tech leads the way in saving money in landscape design, we'll explore some innovative new companies that put landscape design literally in the palm of your hand while keeping dollars in your pocket. We'll also illuminate the dark abode with exterior lighting lessons. As always, thanks for spending a few minutes with Maison. Hoping everyone is staying safe and healthy. Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go. Barb Pexa & Associates Keller Williams

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