Clutter. We all have it, to one degree or another. Even as a
professional organizer, I have plenty of clutter; from the mail that
continues to stack up day to day, the unfinished projects in my
studio, or the clothes that fill
my closet! I work hard to keep
it all somewhat organized
because I am well aware of
the many ways It can impact
my life. How bad is clutter,
A 2017 study determined
that clutter can impact your
weight. Cluttered and chaotic
kitchens caused individuals to
eat more cookies as opposed
to healthier options like
carrot sticks. Moreover, an
earlier study determined that
women who store their cereal
on the kitchen counter weigh
The Negative Impact
of Clutter
on Physical, Mental
& Emotional Health
By Lisa VanDoorne
Northwest Home Coach
Photo: Lisa VanDoorne