A tape measure
When you need to figure out if the new couch
you've been eyeing will fit through your entry-
way or to center photos on your wall, a tape measure
is a must. This one has a long-lasting blade and a
non-slip end hook for simple use and durability.
A hair snake
Most run-of-the-mill clogs
can be solved with this
simple and inexpensive product—
and it's much better for older
pipes than chemical drain clean-
ers. Also, in most single fam-
ily rentals if a plumber is called
out to remedy an issue and it is
reported back that it is tenant-
caused the charge will likely fall
to you - the renter. Best to spend
the $5 and save $100+ in that
case. This is my favorite one here.
Command hooks
Rentals are often
short on storage
space, and to complicate
matters further, renters
are often prohibited
from nailing anything
into the wall. Enter
these surprisingly strong
adhesive hooks. These
handy hooks don't cause
any damage to your walls
and can hold up to three